Florida Faith Alliance is asking city and county commissioners to join the 100% club through Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody’s state-wide council and the Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking.
To all council board members, Florida State House Representative and State Council Board member Toby Overdorf says, “Florida law enforcement can’t be everywhere and that is why municipal support of the 100% Club is critical to helping end human trafficking. Your commitment will have a consequential impact on your citizens and may very well save the life of an otherwise lost soul.”
Port St Lucie joined the 100% Club in 2024 and trained all 1400 employees through the online program. You can join in the fight to end human trafficking by raising awareness through workforce training. Human trafficking knows no bounds. This modern-day form of slavery claims victims of all ages, sex, ethnicity, and demographics. By raising awareness and providing training, lives are saved.
What is 100 Percent Club?
The 100 Percent Club is a partnership between companies or government agencies and the Florida Office of the Attorney General that recognizes businesses or agencies for taking proactive steps to train employees on the signs of human Trafficking and for providing quick reference resources to effectively report human trafficking. When companies equip their employees with the proper tools and training, employees become the eyes and ears in their communities. By participating in the 100 Percent Club, companies commit to training their employees, commit to providing employees with a quick reference resource to easily report human trafficking, and commit to participating in a public awareness campaign.
Your employees can all be equipped to recognize the signs and know what to do.
The following page gives you instructions on how to join. Thank you for joining the growing movement to fight Human Trafficking with Florida Faith Alliance!

Application for Membership

Lynne Barletta awarded 2024 Community Advocate of the Year by Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody. Click to read more