Interview with Lynne Barletta and Pastor Chuck Reich from Overcomers TV
Streamed live on Aug 14, 2023
Lynne Barletta began her professional art career at age 14 and has been teaching art and writing curriculum for after-school programs for over 30 years. She has sold her work internationally and created murals as a fundraiser for trafficked children. Lynne’s clientele includes Coors Beer, The Denver Broncos, US Sugar, the Juvenile Justice Department of Florida, Light of the World Charities and many public art venues all the way to Singapore. Lynne founded Visionary School of Arts (VSOA), in Stuart, Florida in 2010. with an after-school semester course and camp program for ages 5-18 that includes fine art and leadership with widespread community involvement, shows, internship programs, and competitions. VSOA students, ages 5-17 have won over 600 local, national, and international awards since 2010. Adult and senior programs were launched in 2012.
Catch the Wave of Hope, a local anti-trafficking organization was formed by Lynne in 2015 and Florida Faith Alliance was formed in 2022 to unite and fight child trafficking throughut the state of Florida and beyondLynne became the face of South Florida news for 3 years and sued her art to send a powerful message through murals and paintings to help warn parents and communities about traffickers. She worked with trafficked girls for 2 years in the Juvenile Justice system, and she has pioneered a new approach to help trafficked survivors overcome trauma and receive healing called the Power of Art.
Lynne has produced The Power of Art Youth Leadership video courses for youth groups, The Power of Art Creative Leadership, Adults, and Children. The video courses are offered online for homeschoolers, schools, and organizations. Lynne is the author of the book No Stress Zone, which is her personal story of her journey out of fear. Lynne and Tony Barletta have pastored Visionary Church together since 2004 and conducted regional bible studies for leaders. They have 4 boys and 4 grandchildren.
And this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith…