Father, this week, we bring each community before you where we have given a proclamation. We ask that all human trafficking rings in these communities begin to be exposed. We pray for tips to come in that can be turned over to law enforcement. Let each victim be discovered, rescued, and restored! Let a great awakening begin in each church, each synagogue, and each community. Fully engage angelic forces and concerned citizens to do the work of justice. Let unity arise within the righteous ones to take back our children and those who are being held in slavery. Cross every cultural, racial, religious, and political barrier to deliver those who have been held in sexual or labor bondage. We also pray for the minds of the victims that you would do a mighty work to break the chains of brainwashing and control. Let them begin to cry out to you for freedom, and let their cry come up before you Lord, in the same way that the Israelites cried out to you from Egypt. Send deliverers quickly and set the captives free then let them turn around and rescue others!