Get on Board the Locomotive!
Father, thank you for the movement that has begun, capturing the masses and moving across the state of Florida and beyond! It is a locomotive of volunteers, supporters, movers, and shakers—those who are rising to say NOT ON OUR WATCH! They come from the church, synagogues, the business community, health departments, the medical community, the arts, schools, media, agencies, law enforcement, families, and more!
People are rising to stand against the evil of human trafficking and especially to fight child trafficking! This has been initiated in heaven and is now moving across our great state of Florida and soon to other states!
We issue a great call from the throne room to get on board now and join the ranks to unite and fight! We pray for victims everywhere to rise and for rescue operations to be successful. We pray for justice and for righteousness to return to our nation. Father, stop the scourge of human trafficking and let freedom ring!