Lord, we pray that parents will open their eyes and see any evil attempts to prey upon or groom their children for sexual exploitation or trafficking. Let parents, grandparents, and family members recognize the need to protect children from the internet, pornography, social media, and gaming. Birth a new wave of diligent love and good parenting in families across our cities and states. Cause parents to take responsibility for protecting their children!
Cause the hearts of the fathers to turn to the children, according to Malachi 4;6 And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.”
Today we pray especially for our surrounding neighborhoods by name as we pull up maps to see each on our devices. We declare that there will be an outpouring of love and restoration of relationships in families across these neighborhoods as the Holy Spirit moves mightily. As this occurs, we speak an exposing light to all who would harm children in any way. Let there be light in every household, and bring about justice for any who are being trafficked. We also pray for the exposure of sextortion in these communities and sexting rings. Deliver children from these rings and bring communication in such a great way in families that children will not be afraid to speak up.
Posted By Pastor Lynne Barletta