Father, we pray for our neighborhoods, our city, and our county that every child being used, abused, and trafficked will be rescued and saved! Deliver them from evil! Pour out your Spirit and raise up an army to be your hands, feet, and heart to reach into the darkness and cause satan to lose his grip on the little ones! We pray protection with mighty warring angels for the infants, the toddlers, the children, and the teens who are in bondage in our territory! They MUST be SET FREE! Raise up the resources, the homes, the therapy, the prayer, the education, and the future these little ones need. Deliver them from PTSD, disorders, trauma bonding, pornography, lies, and break the bondage of mind control over each and every victim. LET THE HEALING COME TO THEM! Use US and open the eyes of your church to see and deliver a child when you show us who needs help! We prophesy to the children that help is coming, and you shall be saved! Thank you, Lord, for law enforcement who will uncover the rings, the porn, the vicious wolves and stop them from doing more harm! Let exposure come to our area and let the church rise to take her place as a deliverer. Turn in tips in Florida to 855-FLA-SAFE and the national Hotline 888-373-7888.