Father, we know that victims are often depicted on Porn websites and they do not screen who is watching. We are asking that our Florida State House Representative Toby Overdorf and all legislators working with him will be protected and will operate in your shield of favor, even as David did! Cause the new bills to be unopposed through the fall of 2023! Give them a locomotive anointing that will accomplish what the state of Louisiana did in shutting down major porn websites in 2022, by requiring a state-issued ID! Let Florida now lead the way to give parents the right to sue websites that do not take adequate measures to stop children from watching these horrific and often violent sites that also use children and victims of Human Trafficking in their filming. As Florida Goes, so goes the nation! Let Florida eradicate Human trafficking with bills that become law, and give law enforcement and prosecutors all they need to enforce justice. Praise you Lord, for House Bill 7045 that went through the Appropriations Committee unopposed on April 12, 2023, to make hotels, motels, and porn theatres liable for their cooperation in Human Trafficking! Keep this Legislative Locomotive moving forward from heaven to earth!