Father, may all of the proclamations in each county and city bear the fruit of opening doors of awareness, and bring restoration to victims! As government leaders take a stand with us, let this be a great sign to the church to rise and stand, open their doors to awareness, and take back the next generation! Let the county proclamations now spread across the state of Florida and even on a national level of awareness! Cause our Congress and Senate to cross political lines and join hands to unite to fight child trafficking and all of the exploitation of children that is happening through the internet, social media, the masses of children coming over the border and PUT A STOP TO THIS TRAVESTY! Let us all rise according to Proverbs 31:4 To become a voice for the voiceless and ensure justice for those being crushed! We proclaim that the movement has begun, and we will not stop until victims are rescued and those who committed these crimes are stopped.