We are in a spiritual battle for the souls of mankind; therefore, it is imperative that we expand our prayers normally said for just family and friends to include the lost. The violence and conflict occurring in America and throughout the world result from a sin condition that hardens human hearts to the point of rejecting God’s love, will, and purposes. Too many people are going their own way and exchanging the truth of God for a lie and worshiping and serving themselves and the things of this world, rather than the Creator (Romans 1:25). When that changes, we will begin to see the peace and unity that we long to have.We can no longer ignore the escalating storm of divisiveness and simply hope that it will eventually blow past us. This evil storm is coming faster and with greater intensity. Therefore, petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving must be made for all people and all those in authority, so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in godliness and holiness (I Timothy 2:1-2). Now is the time for proactive prayer, because effectual fervent prayers yield much (James 5:16).
Our future and future generations, rest in the hands of those who are willing to pray for this Nation, her leaders, and for hearts to be turned to God. Therefore, let us make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification (Romans 14:19). Let us, as a unified front, rise up and pray!
PRAYER: Father, You have called us to pray for one another, for our country, and for those in authority over us, so that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives. Therefore, I pray that those who are blinded by lies and distortions will have their spiritual eyes opened to clearly see and embrace Your truths, Your will, Your purposes, and Your love. I declare unity in thought and purpose among our citizenry and those serving in our government. According to Your Word, I ask that You guide and direct the steps of our President, leaders, State Governors, County Leaders, Legislators, Congress etc…Give these men and woman wisdom and discernment so they can make godly decisions for our Nation and children. I pray that this land of America, founded on Your precepts, will once again find its way back to You and truly become unified as “one Nation under God.” In Jesus name, amen.
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