Dear God, we pray for all of our human trafficking victims. We pray for peace and healing for those who have been held captive and dehumanized by violence from our broken world. May all of our children rediscover their worth in You. And may we affirm their worth as individuals who are made in Your image. We ask that victims find restoration and healing through You.
Father, use us to bring light into the darkened corners of this world, that they may not remain dark forever. Give us the eyes to see injustice and exploitation. Give us the courage to speak out against evil. Prepare our hearts to unite in prayer together to end human trafficking. In Jesus name, we thank you and praise you.
Join us in unity through prayer as we continue praying for our children, law enforcement, churches, synagogues, and community every single day.
Pray for those whose voices are not heard: the defenseless, the imprisoned, and the broken. Pray for the recovery and restoration of those who are enslaved both at home and around the globe.
(Isaiah 42:22, Leviticus 19:29, Exodus 20:14)
Pray for those who are enslaved in our world. Pray for God’s redemption in each circumstance of victimization. Though bound by the sin of exploitation in this present world, pray for freedom in Christ. (Isaiah 61:7, Revelation 21:1-5, Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 58:6)
Pray for those who battle human trafficking daily and for those who give of their time, money, and hearts to serve victims: first responders, activists, advocates, counselors, social workers, and church leaders. Pray for love, wisdom, compassion, discernment, and empathy. Pray that a bright light be shown in this darkness. (Romans 8:20-21, Galatians 5:13-14)
Pray for those who are vulnerable: children, those who are abused, immigrants, and children in foster homes. Pray for wisdom for caretakers of children, including parents, teachers, church leaders, school bus drivers, coaches, and other authority figures. Pray protection over those at risk, that they might be protected from harm.
(2 Thessalonians 3:2-3, Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 121:7-8)